Shopping links for planes with a span of less than 50"
Including the: Albatross, Assassin, Pelican, Rebels and Widowmaker
Use the bigger motors and servos for planes over 50" with the 40" Vertigo and 43" Pinata.
Including the: Albatross, Assassin, Pelican, Rebels and Widowmaker
Use the bigger motors and servos for planes over 50" with the 40" Vertigo and 43" Pinata.
You can save the most money if your order the individual parts yourself. If items are out of stock try other links in the group or search on google for a similar product. Many of the highlighted links are for products from Banggood and HobbyKing which are reliable suppliers. For more help go to this web page on our site called If I were starting RC today
(1x) MOTOR - 2812-1534 KV or similar motor. Other motors can work if you find a 150-200 watt, 1400-1800 KV
2812 from HobbyKing 2812 from RCtimer (more power) 2812 from Amazon (more power) High speed motor with 4S. Use a 50A ESC T-motor F80 2200 KV Amazon This is the blue motor mount flyers are using. (10x) PROPELLERS - 7×6 electric APC style 7x6 APC from Banggood 7×6 APC from Hobby King quietest and best price 7x6 APC 5X pkg from Amazon 7x6 APC 10X pkg from Amazon (1x) PROP SAVER - to attach prop to motor shaft CTH X-treme prop saver is the best for durability. (2x) METAL GEAR (MG) SERVOS are tougher. Not all servos that say they are metal gear have ALL metal gears do some research because products change. The MG90 is a good size for planes using the 2812-1534kv motor. It uses a 2.5mm x 5mm servo arm screw MG90 all metal gear Amazon Corona cs238MG have higher torque Turnigy MG90S from Hobby King MG90S from Amazon from multiple dealers |
(1x) ESC - Electronic Speed Control with 20-30amp rating.
(You also will need a battery plug and motor plugs) 30 A ESC from Bangood Hobby King 30A ESC 30A ESC with plugs from Amazon 3x to 5x BATTERIES Different battery brands come with different plugs. XT60 Plugs connect speed control to your battery 3.5mm Bullet Plugs connect your ESC to your motor 2S (or 7.4 volt) - 1000 mah batteries for the Pelican 3S (or 11.1 volt) - 1300+ mah for the 40" class wings 3S 1300 - 3000 mah batteries for the Albatross. Pulse batteries 1350 3S have proven to have more power. Graphine batteries 1300 3S also have more power 3S 1300 35-75C Lipo batteries from USA Hobby King |
We warranty the products we sell. We want you happy with your planes. We have given you links to products we use but we can't offer any warranty on products, product availability or service of the companies linked on our website.