Assassin Building Videos
The same videos without music
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The older Assassin build videos below show an ultralight build with minimal reinforcement tape. Although that plane is still flying 5 years later we now use E-tape as shown in video 1.5 addendum on the wing but not on the elevons.
Other noted changes in the older videos are:
1. Exact spar and battery and radio location are not important as long as the CG is correct.
2. We recommend putting the spar back 6.5" and the battery at 2.25" back and the radio slot back 4.25".
3. At 6.5" back the spar is on the CG and out of the way of the bomb drop hole.
4. We have a new motor mount design where you can use up to 6 screws to attach it to the motor plate.
5. We no longer use E-tape on the elevons to to reduce the weight behind the CG.
6. We now use 2 to 3 layers of the 3 mil laminate that comes in the kit on the elevons.
7. We are using improved elevons and elevon horns than shown.
8. We now recommend the MG90 metal gear servos that are much less expensive than the HS82MGs shown.
9 We now use wire metal guides not the plastic guides shown in the video.
10. One Pre-flight video shows a reinforcement post in the elevon that we no longer use.